Title: ITM Overview Video
Tags: ITM Testing Services, Strain Gauge Installation Service, Engineering Services
Overview: Integrated Test & Measurement (ITM) delivers engineering solutions for railcars and rocket ships, from paper mills to power plants and medical devices to mining machinery.
Title: Custom Operator Panel Build
Tags: Test Cell Control System
Overview:An example of a custom operator panel for controlling and monitoring a rotating machinery qualification test.
Title: Rugged Data Acquisition Systems
Tags: ITM Testing Services, DAQ Systems, Vibration Testing, Pelican Cases, NI cDAQ, NI cRIO, Remote Monitoring
Overview: ITM provides rugged custom rugged data acquisition systems for aerospace, vehicle, off-highway, and civil applications. This video shows a custom solution for collecting data from strain, vibration, and other sensors.
Title: Sootblower Fouling Detection (SFD)
Tags:Intelligent sootblowing, Boilers, Fouling, Floor Tube Failures, Sootblowers, Industrial Monitoring
Overview: The Sootblower Fouling Detection (SFD) System is an ITM proprietary technology for the measurement of fouling along the path of a sootblower in recovery and utility boilers. * US Patent 14/670,956
Title: Clinker Detection System (CDS)
Tags: Boilers, Fouling, Floor Tube Failures, Sootblowers, Industrial Monitoring
Overview: The Clinker Detection System is a proprietary technology from ITM for measuring both the size and frequency of deposits that impact a black liquor recovery, biomass, or utility boiler floor or bed. This system is used to understand where fouling is occurring in order to optimize sootblowing; to identify any damaging clinker impacts on the floor or bed; and to optimize the duration of chill and blow cleaning events. * US Patent 14/340,661
Title: Hopper Ash Level Thermocouple (HALT) System
Tags: Boilers, Ash Hoppers, Ash Hopper Buildup, Industrial Monitoring
Overview: The Hopper Ash Level Thermocouple System from ITM is a real-time preventative maintenance tool used to continuously monitor the levels of ash within any given hopper. Benefits of this system include: Identifying buildup in the hopper in order to alert the operator that remediation may be required and to promote operator safety; and providing closed-loop control over wrappers, vibrators, and blowers.
Title: Structural Load Monitoring Solutions
Tags: Ash Hoppers, Bulk Material Bins, Tanks, Silos, Strain Gauge, Load Monitoring, Industrial Monitoring
Overview: ITM provides its customers with a variety of structural load monitoring solutions utilizing strain-gauge based technology. Benefits of these solutions include: more accurate results, lower cost installation, and effective risk mitigation. Watch this video to learn more!
Title: iTestSystem (iTS) Data Acquisition Tutorial
Tags: iTestSystem, Testing, Software, National Instruments, MultiDAQ, Tutorial
Overview: iTestSystem (iTS) is a proprietary software developed by ITM to aid users in quickly configuring a test, collecting data, and viewing the results utilizing the NI CompactDAQ platform. This video provides an in-depth tutorial on MultiDAQ, the data collection application found within the software. All features referenced can be found in the free version of iTestSystem (iTS).
Title: iTestSystem (iTS) Overview
Tags: iTestSystem (iTS), Testing, Software, National Instruments
Overview: iTestSystem (iTS) is a proprietary software developed by ITM to aid users in quickly configuring a test, collecting data, and viewing the results utilizing the NI CompactDAQ platform. Watch this video for a brief overview of some of the great tools this software offers!
Title: Silo Level Monitoring
Tags: Silo Level, Silo Inventory, Strain Gauge
Overview: ITM Engineers demonstrate novel approach to monitoring silo inventory’s using strain gauge technology.
Title: iTestSystem Rugged DAQ Solution
Tags: iTestSystem, cDAQ, Vibration, Rugged DAQ
Overview: ITM Engineer Matt Satcher shows a rugged DAQ solution using NI cDAQ and iTestSystem.
Title: iTestSystem with NI FieldDAQ™
Tags: iTestSystem, cDAQ, Vibration, Rugged DAQ, FieldDAQ
Overview: ITM Engineer Matt Satcher shows a how to use NI FieldDAQ™ with iTestSystem.
Title: Configuring Ethernet Chassis in NI Max
Tags: iTestSystem, cDAQ, Ethernet, Noise, FieldDAQ, Network, Compact DAQ, NI Max
Overview: ITM Engineer Chase Petzinger shows how to configure Ethernet cDAQ chassis in NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI Max).