Blog Posts

AF & PA Conference 2017: ITM presents HALT boiler safety technology

Come watch ITM’s president Tim Carlier ( present on a new boiler safety system, Hopper Ash Level Thermocouple (HALT) monitoring system, at the 2017 American Forest & Paper Association (AF & PA) Meeting and Conference in Atlanta, GA this February.  Tim will describe how this system predicts Ash Hopper pluggage and warns boiler operators when a […]

ITM adds NI-9217 compatibility to iTestSystem

We are pleased to announce that the NI-9217 resistance temperature detector (RTD) analog input module can now be used with iTestSystem and NI CompactDAQ.  The NI-9217 features 4 analog inputs, 24-bit resolution, and an aggregate sampling rate of 5 S/s (1.25 S/s per channel) in high accuracy mode.  The high accuracy mode has built in 50/60 Hz noise rejection and […]

Happy Holidays – 2016

With the end of the year rapidly approaching, I would like to take some time to thank our employees and partners for making this year successful.  Here’s to a happy holiday season and an exciting 2017. Cheers! Thank You!