Job Postings
Contact Josh Fishback for more information this posting.
Contact Info
Phone: 1.844.TestSys
Contact Josh Fishback for more information this posting.
Contact Info
Phone: 1.844.TestSys
ITM | Integrated Test + Measurement
227 Water Street, Suite 300
Milford, OH 45150
Phone: 1.844.TestSys
Fax: 513.248.8453
Email: ITM Sales
ITM provides software development, structural and mechanical testing services, industrial monitoring, strain gauging, and data analysis solutions to clients on six continents. ITM is a recognized National Instruments Gold Alliance Partner.
Clinker Detection System (CDS)
in Announcements, Energy, Power Generation, Pulp & Paper/by Tim CarlierDo you need to reduce your operating cost and carbon footprint on your recovery or coal fired boiler? If so, we can help. With over 15 years of experience in the development and installation of boiler fouling detection systems, ITM is excited to introduce our latest technology that is targeted at clinker impact detection, The […]
CLD – Matt Satcher
in Announcements/by Tim CarlierCongratulations to Matt Satcher on receiving a 99.9% on his National Instruments Certified LabVIEW Developer (CLD) examination. No one’s perfect Matt. Good work! Let us know if you need help with any LabVIEW programming. Contact Mark Yeager or Chase Petzinger at (844) 837-8797 for LabVIEW assistance.
ITM adds NI-9205 compatibility to iTestSystem
in Announcements, Blog Posts/by Mark YeagerWe are excited to announce that the NI-9205 general purpose analog input module can now be used with iTestSystem and NI CompactDAQ. Adding this module allows engineers to expand the use of iTestSystem from structural testing and analysis where signal phase relationship is important, into data logging where phase isn’t as high a priority. The NI-9205 features […]