Join ITM’s Nov. 20 MultiDAQ Plugin Webinar

iTestsystem Webinar Capture

Whether you are a seasoned user of Integrated Test & Measurement’s MultiDAQ plugin for iTestSystem software or if you have never used the product, our next Webinar will allow you to pick up some simple tricks as well as understand the latest features.

Join Chase Petzinger, an ITM software developer, and Todd Holtkamp, an ITM field test engineer, as they host the third in a series of free online demonstrations via GoTo meeting at 10 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 20. The previous session focused on MultiDAQ configuration tips. View the archived video.

The Nov. 20 Webinar, titled “Running MultiDAQ,” will last 10 to 15 minutes with 15 minutes of Q&As to follow. Those interested in attending should email Petzinger.