Blog Posts

iTestSystem 20 Coming Soon!

 Coming Soon! iTestSystem 20.0 When: January 2022 The latest version of ITM’s engineering measurement software platform will make gathering data easier and more affordable than ever. For more information about iTestSystem, contact Chase Petzinger at (844) 837-8797 x704 or via email at

Waveform Resampling in LabVIEW

When measuring vibration and strain levels in LabVIEW, you work with a lot of waveform data.  Usually this waveform data needs to be resampled or quickly analyzed so it can be stored in databases and displayed as meaningful trends.  I put together the snippet below, so I could have easy access to the resampling and […]

ITM Helps Miami University Students Succeed SAE Baja

The students and advisors huddled around the computer react as they watch the signal yield an immediate spike within ITM’s iTestSystem software…