Entries by Mark Yeager

Putting a HALT to Hazardous Hopper Maintenance – Power Magazine

 Check out my article “Putting a HALT to Hazardous Hopper Maintenance” in the May 2018 edition of Power Magazine.  This article describes a system for detecting dangerous plugging conditions inside ash hoppers.  Ash hoppers are used in the power industry to collect hot ash from utility boilers. – Mark Yeager Follow the link below […]

iTestSystem: New Release

 We are excited to announce that a new version of iTestSystem is available for download.  This latest release provides engineers with a flexible measurement platform ideal for long term endurance testing, vibration analysis, off -highway vehicle condition monitoring and structural design validation. We have added  and updated the following tools: Advanced Triggering for collecting […]

Chase Petzinger – CLED

Congratulations to Chase Petzinger on obtaining the status of National Instruments Certified Embedded Systems Developer (CLED).  Chase is 1 of 51 LabVIEW developers in the United States to achieve this Certification.  Contact Chase at Chase.Petzinger@itestsystem.com for questions about your embedded development projects.

Happy Holidays – 2017

As the new year approaches and we reflect on the past year, we are extremely grateful for your business and the relationships that we have built with you.  We are also very excited for the new year because we have some exciting new technologies that we believe will help you achieve more.  We look forward […]

NIWeek 2017: Ryan Welker on being an NI Gold Alliance Partner

 During NIWeek 2017, Ryan Welker sat down with NI’s Alliance Partnership team to explain ITM’s capabilities, partnership benefits and partnership program successes. This video contains Ryan’s description of the core capabilities that differentiate ITM from other Gold Alliance Partners and Ryan’s insights into partner interactions and benefits. Visit iTestSystem.com for more information about our […]

Ryan Matthews – Cat III Vibration Analyst Certification

Congratulations to Ryan Matthews for obtaining Category III Vibration Analyst Certification. Category III Vibration Analysts are qualified to establish, direct, and\or perform programs for condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines including spectral, waveform, and orbit analysis. Category III certified Vibration Analysts are qualified to perform minor corrective actions involving operating deflection shapes, single-plane balancing, and diagnostic […]

ITM @ NI Week: On Stage at Wednesday Morning Keynote

We are excited that one of our colleagues will be on stage at NI Week.  Ryan Welker has this honor when he describes one of our solutions at the NI Week Wednesday Morning Keynote – The NI Platform: Building Tomorrows Solutions. Keynote Description – Creating the hyper connected world of tomorrow presents many challenges today. From […]