ITM Blog Posts

The Blog Post category contains blog posts associated with ITM’s testing services, LabVIEW programming, Test & Measurement Hardware, Boiler Monitoring Systems, and iTestSystem applications.

DAQ Equipment Rental Service

Our engineers and technicians use National Instruments (NI) CompactDAQ (cDAQ) hardware and our iTestSystem software to collect structural, vibration, and temperature data for lab and field tests.  Many of these tests are unique and require different variations of data acquisition hardware and sensors types.  As you can imagine, we have accumulated quite an inventory of cDAQ test equipment and sensors from these tests to help with your data logging project.  This inventory includes both cDAQ chassis and C-Series voltage, strain, vibration, and temperature modules. 

For our iTestSystem users, we offer a data acquisition equipment rental service for available cDAQ hardware from our inventory.  If you need additional equipment to complete a design validation test or to troubleshoot a structural problem or complete other types of data collection, check with us to see what equipment is available. 

Click Here for more information about Equipment Rental. 

For more information about eligibility, equipment availability or to request a quote contact 

Archiving CompactRIO Process Data to PI

The tool we most commonly use for real-time embedded process monitoring and control applications is the NI CompactRIO.  These controllers allow us to embed algorithms that acquire and analyze high speed process sensor data and then output derived key performance indicators (KPIs) to other control systems.  Most of the time, our customers also require us  to send the KPIs to a real-time data infrastructure like OSIsoft’s PI System so plant managers and engineers can use the data to find energy savings, monitor asset health, or optimize processes.

For our latest CompactRIO systems we have developed APIs that allow us to send or receive data directly to/from PI.  We utilize the PI Asset Framework and the UFL Connector to automatically generate PI tags from the device and update the process tag values either on value change or on a time basis.

These tools greatly simplify our CompactRIO to PI System communication process by eliminating intermediary data servers and automatically generating PI tags based on a CompactRIO system’s configuration.  If you are interested in using these APIs for PI or developing a CompactRIO system contact Mark Yeager or Chase Petzinger.

ITM Adds New Test Technician

I’m excited to announce that we’ve grown our engineering group with the addition of Zach Rucker.  Zach’s primary role at ITM is as a field engineering technician where he assists with the installation of our industrial monitoring solutions and fulfillment of our field testing applications. In addition to his work in the field, Zach stays busy in our instrumentation lab assembling and testing custom control panel assemblies, installing strain gauges on custom load cells, and building and testing customer specific monitoring and measurement systems.

We welcome Zach to our team.  You can read more about our entire team here.

— Test Engineering Lead –  Ryan Welker

ITM Live Demo Series: Configuring Ethernet Chassis in NI Max

The latest video in the ITM Live Demo series shows users how to configure an Ethernet/Network cDAQ or FieldDAQ chassis with NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI Max).

One of the most common questions we get from iTestSystem users; How do I configure my network/ethernet cDAQ or FieldDAQ chassis?  In this video, Chase Petzinger demonstrates how to change a cDAQ’s network settings.

If you’re interested in learning more about iTestSystem and networked cDAQ chassis measurements, feel free to contact one of our test specialists by e-mail at or phone at (844) 837-8797.

ITM’s Patented Technologies Prevent Boiler Tube Leaks

The US patent office has recently awarded patents to ITM for (2) two of the underlying boiler safety and process optimization technologies embedded within our CDS and SHOP systems.  These systems monitor boiler conditions and alert operators when boiler tube damaging events/conditions occur.

Clinker Detection System (CDS)US Patent 10060688B2

The Clinker Detection System (CDS) measures the relative weight, location, and frequency of clinkers that impact a boiler floor. This technology enables operators to shorten boiler outages, identify fouling problems, optimize soot blower operations and identify damaging impact events.

Superheater OverHeat Protection (SHOP)US Patent 9541282B2

The Superheater OverHeat Protection (SHOP) system helps mitigate the risk of superheater tube failure due to short-term overheat during boiler start-ups.    Catastrophic thin-lipped bursts  can occur in superheater steam generation tubes when steam flow is insufficient, when deposits restrict flow, or when tubes are blocked by water due to a rapid firing rate during boiler start-up.  SHOP assists operators in the management of boiler start-ups by enabling the detection of superheater tube clear events (TCE’s).

If you’re interested in learning more about these systems and other boiler/process monitoring solutions, feel free to contact Ryan Welker by e-mail at or phone at (844) 837-8797.

ITM adds NI-9242 compatibility to iTestSystem


The NI-9242 single ended voltage input module can now be used with the latest version of iTestSystem (16.1). The NI-9242 C-Series module features three (3) voltage inputs plus one (1) neutral input, 24-bit resolution, 250V rms L-N, 400V rms L-L, and 50 kS/s/ch. The measurement range (250V rms L-N or 400V rms L-L) makes it ideal for embedded 120V rms and 240V rms grid measurement applications such as phasor measurements, power metering, power quality monitoring, industrial machinery, motor testing, and transient or harmonic analysis with high-speed (50kHz) simultaneous sampling.

Click Here for more information about iTestSystem.

For advice about using the NI-9242 in stand-alone power quality applications or cRIO power monitoring applications contact Mark Yeager.

ITM adds NI-9246 compatibility to iTestSystem


In the latest release of iTestSystem (v 16.1), we are adding the NI-9246 current input module to the compatibility list. The NI-9246 features 3, 22 Arms continuous current inputs, 24-bit resolution, and 50 kS/s/ch in the C Series form factor. The measurement range (22 Arms ) makes it ideal for three phase current measurements from 1A and 5A current transformers. These types of measurements are used in embedded industrial, power generation applications like power quality monitoring and machine condition monitoring.

iTestSystem Info

For advice about using the NI-9246 in stand-alone power quality applications or cRIO power monitoring applications contact Mark Yeager

ITM Live Demo Series: Sound Level Measurements with iTestSystem

The latest video in the ITM Live Demo series shows the new sound level measurement capability of iTestSystem.

In recent months, our customers have asked us to integrate sound level measurements into iTestSystem.  With this new feature, iTestSystem can help you monitor construction site noise or measure whether your equipment meets ISO noise emission standards or pass by noise regulations. In this video, Ryan Matthews demonstrates the new dataview for iTestSystem to measure a fan’s sound level.

If you’re interested in learning more about iTestSystem and Sound Level Measurements, feel free to contact one of our test specialists by e-mail at or phone at (844) 837-8797.

iTestSystem: New Release v16.1

We are excited to announce that a new version (16.1) of iTestSystem is available for download. This latest release provides engineers with a flexible sensor data collection and analysis platform ideal for long term endurance testing, vibration analysis, off -highway vehicle condition monitoring, sound level, and structural design validation.

We have added and updated the following tools:

  • New Microphone Sensor Type and Dataview for Sound Level Measurements
  • Expanded Data Acquisition Hardware Support including the rugged NI FieldDAQ Device
  • New Automated Data Analysis Tools including sensor statistics, scaling, and sound level
  • Updated File Filtering and Improve Data Interaction
  • Updated Impact Test DAQ with 3D Animator Integration

Download the new version today!

For more information about the new version of iTestSystem or to request a demo contact


ITM Live Demo Series: iTestSystem with NI FieldDAQ

As a part the ITM Live Demo series, we’re excited to release this video featuring iTestSystem and National Instruments FieldDAQ™ hardware to assist with your data collection projects.

At ITM, we’re always on the lookout for tools that will help us take tough measurements.  When we heard that NI was introducing a new device that features IP65/67-rated ingress protection, we were very excited.  In many industrial or off-way environments, there is potential for fluids to splash or leak onto exposed hardware.  Could the NI FieldDAQ™ be a solution for these types of environments?

Watch now as I demonstrate how to use an NI FieldDAQ™ Strain Device with iTestSystem for data logging and answer the question; Will it work while submerged in water?

If you’re interested in learning more about iTestSystem or FieldDAQ™, feel free to contact one of our test specialists by e-mail at or phone at (844) 837-8797.