Tag Archive for: Full Bridge

Engineering Data Acquisition Tools: NI-9237 Bridge Input Module

For bridge type sensors and most strain gauges configurations (full and half bridges), our engineers will opt for the NI-9237 C-Series module to acquire strain and bridge data instead of the NI-9235 or NI-9236 modules.  Unlike the NI-9236 module, the NI-9237 can acquire data from:

  • Any resistance strain gauge (not just 120 or 350 Ohm)
  • Quarter, half, and full-bridge strain gauge configurations
  • Torque and load cells (off-the-shelf and custom)

The NI-9237 is a 4-Channel C Series strain/bridge input module that contains circuitry to power, scale and calibrate strain and load sensors .  For quarter and some half bridge measurements a bridge completion module must be used in conjunction with this module. The NI-9237 module provides internal bridge excitation (2.5V, 3.3V, 5V, or 10V) and shunt calibration resistors for sensor scaling verification. To collect synchronized and scaled high-speed (50kHz) structure strain and load cell data, use our iTestSystem engineering measurement software.

For more information about the NI-9237, DAQ module rental, strain gauge installations or our data logging solution iTestSystem, contact Ryan Welker via email: ryan.welker@itestsystem.com or phone: (844) 837-8797 x706.