Tag Archive for: Trigger Analysis

Sort Data Faster Using iTestSystem’s Trigger Analysis

Sort Your Engineering Data Faster Using iTestSystem’s Trigger Analysis Feature

Tired of getting buried in a mountain of engineering data? The team at Integrated Test & Measurement feels your pain, and they have built some relief into their data collection software known as iTestSystem.

In this blog, a new series by ITM, we’ll share details about iTestSystem’s “Trigger Analysis” feature, which is commonly used to help analyze, sort and pass crucial engineering data — think strain and vibration — to those who need it most and just in time.

The Trigger Analysis tool separates a data file in one or many files based on the customized data trigger(s) that have been configured, and that’s a feature that saves engineers countless hours.

Here’s how Trigger Analysis works: 

If you are an engineer attempting to gather data from a piece of machinery, vehicle or complex system, iTestSystem allows you to establish triggering events so that reports are only sent when that event hits a minimum or maximum threshold. For example, if you know a damaging event occurs at a certain threshold, you can easily set iTestSystem to only report information or graphs to you when an accelerometer goes over a maximum level or when an engine passes a set RPM.

In other words, the software is gathering data constantly, but it only sends the data when it matches a specific threshold.  

By configuring Trigger Analysis along with both Notification Services and the Automated Analytics features in iTestSystem, engineers are able to greatly simplify processes that require hunting down system operation outliers or damaging events. These iTestSystem applications allow users to analyze, build, and send sensor level reports only when specific vibration and strain limits are exceeded. In the end, that leads to a massive time savings. Instead of searching through streams of data files, engineers can easily review the report and download relevant data files from deployed systems for further analysis.

About iTestSystem

iTestSystem is an engineering measurement software platform that enables test engineers to organize, acquire, view, and analyze data from machinery, processes, vehicles and other complex systems.  iTestSystem was specifically designed for use with National Instruments (NI) cDAQ hardware for data collection and data logging.

For more information about our iTestSystem or ITM’s testing services, contact Ryan Welker @ (844) 837-8797 x702. 

Tag Archive for: Trigger Analysis