Entries by Mark Yeager

ICRC 2017 – Recovery Boiler Clinker Detection System (CDS)

 Learn more about the Clinker Detection System (CDS) technology and other Boiler Monitoring Solutions from ITM, at the International Chemical Recovery Conference (ICRC – 2017) in Halifax, Nova Scotia on May 24th at 10:30AM. During this presentation, ITM’s president Tim Carlier discusses how a recovery boiler CDS was used to detect superheater fouling and its impacts on boiler operation.

ITM Starts Free iTestSystem Webinar Series

iTestSystem is ITM’s structural data acquisition and analysis software.  We are starting an online iTestSystem Webinar Series.  The goal for this series of webinars is to introduce iTestSystem’s capabilities to new users and refresh experienced users’ application fluency. Come join us online for the inaugural iTestSystem Webinar: General Overview and Applications.  In this webinar Chase Petzinger […]

Superheater Overheat Protection (SHOP) @ BLRBAC Spring 2017

ITM’s president Tim Carlier (tim.carlier@iTestSystem.com) is presenting its Superheater Overheat Protection (SHOP) technology at the Spring 2017 Black Liquor Recovery Boiler Advisory Committee (BLRBAC) Meeting  in Atlanta, GA on April 12th.  SHOP helps boiler operators avoid short term overheat failures of recovery boiler superheater tubes. ITM will also introduce new boiler and plant optimization technologies/systems that their […]

ITM Strain Gauging Services

Quantifying stress, strain and force within a structure using real world strain gauge measurements is commonly used to verify FEA models and estimate a component’s fatigue life.  Our engineers and technicians have planned and implemented challenging strain gauge installations for our customers around the globe.  Information from these strain gauge installations has allowed our customers to validate their designs and improve their […]

ITM adds NI-9217 compatibility to iTestSystem

We are pleased to announce that the NI-9217 resistance temperature detector (RTD) analog input module can now be used with iTestSystem and NI CompactDAQ.  The NI-9217 features 4 analog inputs, 24-bit resolution, and an aggregate sampling rate of 5 S/s (1.25 S/s per channel) in high accuracy mode.  The high accuracy mode has built in 50/60 Hz noise rejection and […]

ITM adds NI-9205 compatibility to iTestSystem

We are excited to announce that the NI-9205 general purpose analog input module can now be used with iTestSystem and NI CompactDAQ.  Adding this module allows engineers to expand the use of iTestSystem from structural testing and analysis where signal phase relationship is important, into data logging where phase isn’t as high a priority.  The NI-9205 features […]