Entries by Mark Yeager

ITM Seeks Full-Time and Co-op Hires at UC Technical Career Fair

  A team of engineers and professionals from Integrated Test & Measurement will be on the ground at the University of Cincinnati’s Technical Career Fair on Wednesday, Feb. 8, to meet with prospective full-time employees and future co-ops. We are looking for full-time project engineers, computer engineers, and engineering technicians who are ready to start […]

Happy Holidays from Everyone at ITM!

Our team at Integrated Test & Measurement (ITM) wishes you peace, joy, and prosperity throughout the coming year.  We are so grateful to everyone who has made this year a success and look forward to working with you in 2023. Happy Holidays!

ITM Engineers Strain Gauge in Shadow of Artemis I Rocket Launch

 ITM strain gauge team witnesses powerful forces during two-week trip to Cape Canaveral A group of engineers and aerospace engineering technicians from Integrated Test & Measurement just returned after an unforgettable experience in Cape Canaveral. ITM’s team was there to assist an aerospace engineering partner with on-site strain gauging. The challenge was to assist […]

Q&A with ITM Co-op Marlo Bryant

 UC mechanical engineering student loved the variety at ITM  Marlo Bryant is in her fifth year as a mechanical engineering student at the University of Cincinnati College of Engineering and Applied Science. She spent this summer as a co-op at ITM, helping the firm with interesting projects around the country. We caught up with […]

ITM connects with future engineers at UC Career Fair

 ITM connects with future engineers at UC Career Fair  Mixed among the buzz of voices inside the massive six-court gymnasium at the University of Cincinnati Technical Career Fair this week, ITM connected with a ton of impressive engineering students.  Potential full-time employees and co-op students heard for the first time about our engineering firm […]

Come Visit our Booth at the UC Career Fair

Looking for a new career?  Come visit us at the University of Cincinnati Career Fair! Where: UC Rec Center, Booth G18 When: Sept. 15th, 2022  –  10AM – 2 PM For more information about available jobs, contact Josh Fishback via email: josh.fishback@itestsystem.com or phone: (844) 837-8797.

ITM Recruiting Full-Time Engineers at UC’s Fall Career Fair

ITM Recruiting Full-Time Engineers at UC’s Fall Career Fair University of Cincinnati students have an enormous opportunity to make a career-changing connection during the Professional and Technical Career Fair on Thursday, September 15. Integrated Test & Measurement (ITM) will host a booth during Technical Day 2 of the event at UC’s Campus Recreation Center. Interested […]

iTestSystem 20 Coming Soon!

 Coming Soon! iTestSystem 20.0 When: January 2022 The latest version of ITM’s engineering measurement software platform will make gathering data easier and more affordable than ever. For more information about iTestSystem, contact Chase Petzinger at (844) 837-8797 x704 or via email at chase.petzinger@itestsystem.com.