Tag Archive for: vibration monitoring
Optimizing Generator Health in Data Centers
in Blog Posts, Energy, Engineering Services Posts, Power Generation, Pulp & Paper/by Mark YeagerTest Cell Vibration Monitoring
in Automotive, Blog Posts, Case Study, Off-Highway/by Tim CarlierA large-engine manufacturer had test cells with severe vibration levels…
Engine Test Cell Vibration Monitoring
in Automotive, Blog Posts, Off-Highway, Video/by Mark YeagerCheck out this video of a Lego Test Cell Model that is controlled with an NI CompactRIO. ITM implemented an embedded vibration health monitoring application at an engine manufacturing company in Texas. The distributed system monitored and reported damaging engine dyno vibration levels on 10 engine test cells.
ITM | Integrated Test + Measurement
227 Water Street, Suite 300
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ITM provides software development, structural and mechanical testing services, industrial monitoring, strain gauging, and data analysis solutions to clients on six continents. ITM is a recognized National Instruments Gold Alliance Partner.