iTestSystem Applications

This category contains iTestSystem platform main applications for configuring sensor channels, as well as collecting, viewing, and analyzing data.

Automate Complex Analysis of Engineering Data Using iTestSystem

Does your project involve the need to deploy unattended or “black box” data acquisition systems in the field? If so, our engineering software known as iTestSystem, a proprietary product developed by Integrated Test & Measurement, may be the ideal solution. 

In this blog, a new series by ITM, we’ll share details about iTestSystem’s “Automated Analytics” feature, which is commonly used to to constantly analyze strain and vibration data on machinery, vehicles and industrial processes. 

By using the Automated Analytics feature in iTestSystem, engineers are able to greatly simplify processes that require hunting down system operation outliers or damaging events. The Automated Analytics application allows users to analyze, build, and send sensor level reports only when specific vibration and strain limits are exceeded. In the end, that leads to a massive time savings.  Instead of searching through streams of data files, engineers can easily review the report and download relevant data files from deployed systems for further analysis. 

Here’s how Automated Analytics works: 

Rather than getting buried in a mountain of raw data files that require processing later, users can easily set up an automated routine using iTestSystem’s Automated Analytics — just one feature among the many analysis applications built into the latest version of this powerful tool.

Once you’ve configured your cDAQ hardware, project path and sensor channels in iTestSystem, set up your MultiDAQ and record a sample TDMS file. Then simply open Automated Analytics to set up and run a new automation. 

Users assign a “Watch Directory,” and any TDMS files they pull into that directory will have the automated sequence of events they chose applied to those files automatically. Simply click into the properties for any file to reveal the newly embedded statistics or analysis data within. 

Users can pair the Automated Analytics feature with the power of Notification Services, an iTestSystem feature that allows reports — including helpful graphs — to be automatically sent to them daily, weekly or whenever most useful. This feature is especially beneficial if engineers do not have access to the equipment being monitored.  

Stay tuned for additional iTestSystem features, including the ability to set up Trigger Analysis events so reports are only dispatched when the data reaches a certain threshold.  

About iTestSystem

iTestSystem is an engineering measurement software platform that enables test engineers to organize, acquire, view, and analyze data from machinery, processes, vehicles and other complex systems.  iTestSystem was specifically designed for use with National Instruments (NI) cDAQ hardware for data collection and data logging.   

For more information about our iTestSystem or ITM’s testing services, contact Ryan Welker @ (844) 837-8797 x702.

iTestSystem Application: TestView Plus

Tach Signal in TestView Plus

TestView Plus is an iTestSystem application for quick and easy viewing and analysis of data recorded in .TDMS files.  Test engineers can open data files and then simply drag and drop data channels into a variety of graphs and tables.  Data plotting algorithms allow for viewing and zooming into even the largest data files without running into memory issues.

TestView Plus has many features that allow test engineers to manage multiple data analysis projects at once.  TestView Plus Sessions allow for fast transitions between data processing projects.  A Session retains the current tab and graph information, analysis files, and data workspace.  TestView Plus Windows and Tabs allow for quickly adding and ordering new and existing data views.  The TestView Plus Reporting Utility allows for simple customized layouts sized to fit neatly in a report or presentation.

Besides data viewing, TestView Plus also provides access to the iTestSystem analysis functions.  Data analysis can be performed on data in an active Time History graph.  To run an Analysis tool, select an icon in the Analysis toolbar or select an option in the “Analysis” dropdown in menu toolbar.  Once the analysis is performed, the results will be graphed in a new window.

iTestSystem Application: MultiDAQ

iTestSystem MultiDAQ

MultiDAQ is a configurable general data logging and real-time data viewing application for iTestSystem (iTS).  An intuitive user interface allows test technicians and engineers to choose sensor channels, synchronize DAQ hardware,  change sample rates,  setup input data filters, configure data file triggering, and manage automated data file naming.  Once configured, MultiDAQ provides graphical, tabular, and digital real-time data views for test operators to visualize data trends during the data collection process.

Function List

  • Stream data from multiple C-series NI chassis.
  • Stream data at different sample rates.
  • View real-time data, including RMS and waveform data in tables, graphs, colormaps, spectra, and waterfall graphs.
  • Alarm when signals exceed channel’s minimum or maximum values.
  • Trigger acquisitions based on custom duration or value trigger statements.

For more information about MultiDAQ or iTestSystem, contact Chase Petzinger via email at

iTestSystem Application: Archive Manager


iTestSystem's Archive Manager Application

Managing data from autonomous data acquisition systems that generate megabyte and gigabyte data files can be a challenge. iTestSystem’s Archive Manager application simplifies this data collection challenge by allowing users to configure a local directory as a data file FIFO and a separate directory (usually on a USB drive) as a data archive.

When enabled, Archive Manager solves two problems common to DAQ systems: system crashes due to a full hard drives and removeable drive (USB/network drive) management.  The Archive Manager allows users to set a limit on the amount of data stored in a specific directory. It monitors this directory and removes older files to accommodate new data files (data file FIFO).  This application keeps track of all data files removed from the watch directory and all files moved to the archive directory.  This allows users to swap removeable drives on the fly without duplicating data files in the archive or interacting with the DAQ system’s HMI.

Another feature of the Archive Manager application that ensures autonomous DAQ system stability is the configuration backup process.  When enabled, the configuration backup service periodically copies all files added in the log file list to the archive directory.  Backing up files like the iTestSystem configuration file allows test engineers to keep track of setup changes that occur during a test or data logging project and restore previous configurations.

For more information about the iTestSystem Archive Manager or iTestSystem, contact Chase Petzinger via email at

Vibration and Strain Gauge Level Report Automation with iTestSystem

Our test engineers are often called upon to deploy unattended or “black box” data acquisition systems in the field.  These systems are deployed on machinery, vehicles, and industrial processes to constantly record strain and vibration data at sample rates between 100 and 100,000 Hz. That adds up to a lot of data to sift through.

In situations where we are trying to identify system operation outliers or damaging events, we utilize the Automated Analytics application in iTestSystem to limit the amount of data searches required. The Automated Analytics application allows users to analyze, build, and send sensor level reports only when specific vibration and strain limits are exceeded.  Instead of searching through data files, engineers can easily review the report and download relevant data files from deployed systems for further analysis.

This video demonstrates how to build and send vibration and strain reports using Automated Analytics and other iTestSystem tools and applications.

For more information about our iTestSystem or ITM’s testing services, contact Ryan Welker @ (844) 837-8797 x702.

Related Links

iTestSystem Tip: Strain Gauge Rosette Analysis

When troubleshooting structural failures or validating FEA models through testing, strain gauge rosettes are used to find the full state of strain at areas of concern around the structure.  iTestSystem’s Rosette Analysis tool is used to calculate the principal strain, principal strain angle, shear strain, principal stress, and other values from strain gauge rosette data. This video shows how to use the Rosette analysis tool.

For questions about using the Rosette Analysis tool or other iTestSystem analysis tools contact Chase Petzinger.

Download your free version of iTestSystem today.

iTestSystem Tip: Sensor Auto-zero Utility Update

Our iTestSystem customers who routinely acquire data with high channel counts and data from full-bridge transducers recently requested that we update the sensor auto-zero utility to improve test setup efficiency.   In the latest version of iTestSystem, we updated the sensor auto-zero utility to include all channels that use the From Custom Scale option.  This update enables users to quickly adjust selected channel offsets with only a few mouse clicks.

One of our test engineers recently used this feature to test and calibrate a new load cell design for measuring loads in a manufacturing process.  He was able to quickly calibrate and zero the strain gauges along with a calibrated load cell and a pressure transducer prior to testing and before each directional test. The offset values are included in the calibration data files for traceability.

Contact Information: For more information about this update or iTestSystem contact:

Chase Petzinger – Integrated Test & Measurement (ITM), LLC. Email: or Phone: 1.844.TestSys

Roving Accelerometer Impact Tests with iTestSystem

3D Animator: Bike Frame Twist Vibration Mode at 26.2 Hz

In order to prevent or troubleshoot structural vibration problems, it is important to characterize a structure’s dynamic behavior using both experimental and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) technologies.  One method used to identify a structure’s vibration modes is to perform a roving accelerometer or roving hammer impact test.  In an impact test, engineers measure the response of a structure from an impulse delivered by a calibrated hammer using tri-axial accelerometers.

FRF View: Bike Frame Point 9 Coherence & Magnitude

Managing impact tests on large structures can be tedious and cost prohibitive, since they require collecting accelerometer responses at hundreds of locations to resolve the vibration motion.  Not only do test engineers need to keep track of the locations, they also need to keep track of the orientation that an accelerometer is positioned.

Our test engineers have found that the most efficient and cost effective solution for collecting impact data is to use a National Instruments (NI) cDAQ chassis with either NI-9234, NI-9232, NI-9231 or NI-9230 IEPE modules along with a calibrated impulse hammer and between 3 – 9 tri-axial accelerometers. To collect, manage, and visualize the modal data, our LabVIEW software engineers developed the Impact Test DAQ, FRF Viewer, and 3D Animator applications for our iTestSystem software platform. These applications incorporate tools that our test engineers need to manage and validate the quality of their modal data while in the field.

For more information about impact tests, modal analysis, our iTestSystem Impact Test applications, or to schedule a modal test contact Mark Yeager or Ryan Welker.

iTestSystem Download

FieldDAQ Sound & Vibration Module compatibility added to iTestSystem

The FieldDAQ™ FD-11634 sound and vibration input module from National Instruments (NI) can now be used with the latest version of iTestSystem for your data collection needs.  The FD-11634 is similar to the NI-9234, NI-9232, NI-9231, and NI-9230 cDAQ dynamic input modules and can be used with IEPE type sensors such as accelerometers and microphones.  Like the other FieldDAQ™ modules, this module is IP65/IP67 dust and water resistant with an operating temperature range of  -40 °C to 85 °C.  Our test engineers would use these modules for collecting vibration data on mining and construction equipment, vibration data on rotating machinery within manufacturing facilities and test cells, and acoustic data for measuring equipment noise emissions.  No matter your need, data logging with this equipment is sure to impress.

The FieldDAQ™ FD-11634 module has 8 simultaneous sampled, ±1V or ±10 V, 24-bit differential input channels with AC/DC coupling. It has a maximum sample rate of 102.4kS/s and features built in anti-aliasing filters that automatically adjust to the sampling rate.

For advice about using the FieldDAQ™ FD-11634 sound and vibration modules in iTestSystem monitoring applications or with custom cRIO RT and FPGA control applications contact Mark Yeager or Chase Petzinger.

Click Here to view a video showing one of our test engineer collecting data from a submerged FieldDAQ™ module with iTestSystem.

Click Here for more information about iTestSystem.

iTestSystem Tip: Impact Hammer Setup

While iTestSystem is designed to collect data from specific sensor types like strain, voltage, current, and accel; custom signal types such as pressure, displacement, and force can also be configured by utilizing the Custom Scale functionality during the channel creation process.

For example, manufacturers often need to measure the amount of force required to install a component using a calibrated impact hammer.  Since iTestSystem does not have a specific channel type for impact hammers, we must create one using a similar channel type.  The channel type most similar to an impact hammer is the accelerometer channel.1

To configure a piezoelectric impact hammer in iTestSystem, first create an accelerometer channel.  An accelerometer channel will supply the impact hammer with IEPE constant current.  From the accelerometer configuration window, change the Units to “From Custom Scale”, set the sensitivity to 1, and set the sensitivity units to Volt/g.  Next, set the custom scale: scaled units to lbs, lbf, or N, Prescaled Units to g, and in the slope field, input the lbs/Volt value from the hammer’s calibration sheet.  After entering these settings, be sure to hit the Test button to verify your signal and save the settings after verification.


  1. Most impact hammers are piezoelectric and require IEPE constant current excitation.  Several iTestSystem compatible National Instruments (NI) cDAQ input modules (NI-9230, NI-9231, NI-9232, and NI-9234) can supply IEPE excitation for an impact hammer.  These modules are typically used for piezoelectric accelerometer inputs.

For a free trial of iTestSystem including the custom scale settings or to learn more about impact hammer measurements, contact